Happy Valentine’s Day! There’s so much ❤️ to go around… and so much money! I hope you’ve been able to take advantage of the grant opportunities provided to you between last month and now. Ensure you apply before those deadlines and before the next list is sent out.
There are hundreds of resources available to us thanks to government funding, non-profits, organizations, and even individuals who are committed to helping us level up. I’m committed to continuously sharing tips and tricks on how to EVEN further level up your business.
Education = 🔑❤️
You won’t gain anything in your journey if you don’t keep learning! It’s important to listen to others in the space, stay on top of happenings within the business world, and maybe even learn some additional things along the way. And before you say… you’re just too busy, have you recently scrolled mindlessly on social media or rewatched that one episode of that Netflix Show for the 10th time? MAKE THE TIME!
I enjoy constantly listening, reading, and watching other people in the space, along with learning skills I can leverage across my business.
Black Podcasters Association: Read about other podcasters in the business space, and learn a few things about them! Who knows, they might be an amazing resource for you!
Business Insider: For all updates, news, and trends, Business Insider is a hub of information. They even love to feature small businesses as well, so it’s worth the daily scroll!
The Money Exchange w/ Patrina Dixon: Shameless (but extremely relevant) plug! I’m constantly talking to other small business owners from topics on personal business triumphs, real estate, and tax to investors and creatives. Pop it on on your next drive to work or travel!
Drop a comment below if you have good resources for others to utilize as well!
Business Certifications
I LOVE talking about these, as they are a top-tier way to level up your business- not even just for grants! Business certifications give you a leg up when discussing your business with potential investors, grant-awarders, and even open up more financial opportunities for your business.
Do you want access to:
Government Contracts
Management Assistance
Tech Assistance
Higher-Level Credibility