As a way to help you in your grant journey, I’m crafting a grant guide to help you with all thing grant oriented! From ways to make you stand out on applications to helping you on the next steps, this grant guide is sure to help you with all of your needs! All paid subscribers will have access to the archive of all topics, zoom invites for live sessions with me (including q&a), and a community of others to post comments and questions. As a small business owner myself, a winner of multiple grants totaling over $30,000- you don’t want to miss out on this!
Schedule for 2023:
July 21st (Now Archived): Grant Videos
August 18th: Grant Biography / Mission / Vision
August 20th: LIVE Business Structure (Session and Q&A)
September 16th: LIVE Business Bank Account (Session and Q&A)
October 21st: Businesses and Taxes
November: Professional Photo Shoot / Head Shot Needs
December: Business Certifications