Fund your Business Growth with July Grants
Your chance to unlock over $100,000 for your business
Here is your July grant roundup for small businesses! We have each grant, accelerator, or program information listed easily so you can see quickly which one your business is eligible for with any due dates and additional application information.
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Designed to support entrepreneurs in systemically oppressed groups,
The TRANSFORM Business Grant provides each grantee a $1,000 microgrant and a customized, year-long business strategy and development program.
$1,000 microgrant
Customized year-long business strategy
Development program
Pro Bono access to expert coaches and other resources
Must be located in the United States
Apart of a systematically oppressed group including but not limited to:
BIPOC individuals
Individuals with a disability
formally incarcerated individuals
Queer, trans and non-binary
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) awarded $7.2 million to The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven on October 24, 2022, in support of work to make the small business landscape more equitable. The grant is part of a $46.6 million statewide initiative to help underserved entrepreneurs and business owners.
To be eligible for this grant, you will need to answer each question “yes”
Have you been in business for at least one year (as of the date of your application submission) with a record of sales? If a startup, please indicate on the application
Does your business have a record of annual sales/revenue in the last twelve months greater?
Is your business registered in CT?
Is your business located in New Haven County, CT?
Is your business in good standing with the CT Department of Revenue Services?
Does your business have an established business checking account?
Does your business utilize formal digital bookkeeping/financial (e.g., QuickBooks, Sage, FreshBooks, Wave Accounting)?
Is the business a for-profit business?
Is the business owned by a person at least 18 years old?
Application Info:
Required documents for grant application
Back up documentation for Use of Funds (e.g., proposal, estimate, screenshots of proposed purchases, or other evidence to support the amount you are asking for).
Year-to-date 2023 balance sheets
Year-to-date 2023 profit & loss statements
2021 business federal tax return (Schedule C for LLC)
2022 business federal tax return (Schedule C for LLC)
Three years of financial projections (2023, 2024, 2025), clearly demonstrate the impact of the grant funds on the business
Copy of the most recent bank statement for the business checking account in the name of the business, and showing CT address for the business
Letter of good standing from the State of Connecticut Secretary of State Office
Proof of Connecticut residency (e.g., Driver’s License)
Department of Revenue Services (DRS) Status Letter
The Antares REACH Grant Program, presented in partnership with the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), will provide $20,000 grants to small businesses, with an emphasis on those that have an established product/market fit, have a clearly identified need for growth capital, and are owned by historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.